Kicking combinations we did that were ultra cool:
- 6 sidekicks and a jumping sidekick
- sidekick, turning sidekick, roundhouse
We then moved to forms, we went over all the forms. General advice was to be careful with our stances and preparations. We went over Chil Jang slowly. Things to remember about Chil Jang
- after the pull-upper punch and keehop, on the low hammer fist, the back hand (left) should be open palm
- after the low-hammer fist, the outside knifehand attack should be in a forward stance.
We then moved to our jumping kicks, starting with the jumping back whip. The main advice for this was to work on bringing the knee up higher to get the kick higher off the ground.
Next we worked on sparring. Remember to yell before you start free fighting. Also, remember to stay fluid and try to keep things going. Prepare for the attack with your own counterattack. One way to work on this on our own is with the attack counter attack.
Finally we worked on the grappling. When someone grabs your belt with fist down (inside arm break) and fist up (use leverage and twist their pinky down into the outside arm break). When someone grabs you from behind, you need to twist their arms together.
Advice for the break, take your time with the turning side kick to aim it and focus. Time sure went by fast.
We also might have to look for a new space after this summer.