Friday, July 20, 2007

Class Log July 19, 2007

Angela Taught. We did kicking combinations:
roundhouse kick, turning sidekick, knifehand strike
jumping side kick, front kick, turning sidekick
We worked on backwheel kicks.
We worked on attack-counter attacks.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Class Log July 5th, 2007

Angela Taught. We worked on kicking combinations (turning back kick, half moon, side kick) and (turning back kick, roundhouse and sidekick). We worked on our turning kicks (back wheel, back whip) and also our front whips and half moons. We also worked on our new kicks (jumping back wheel, jumping back whip).

We've been focusing on getting the mechanics down so that the kicks are accurate and controllable. With the back wheel and jumping back wheel, we are still working on just getting comfortable dipping and lifting our knee up earlier. With the front whip, pulling your shoulder forward with the kick before flicking it across makes a big impact. With the jumping turn kicks, we are still getting used to the feeling of jumping and kicking.

For my back whips, I need to work on not walking and concentrate on spinning on center, instead of walking forward.
Eric's back whips look great! The spinning breakdowns that we've been doing before these kicks have really improved the control and power. We'll plan on doing back wheels every class.